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Posted on April 14, 2015
J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health
At a commemorative event two years ago, I heard a historian say that history is not a steady stream of events, but rather a series of punctuation points, like ripples from stones tossed into water.
Posted on April 13, 2015
Sylvia Mathews Burwell, HHS Secretary
Half a century ago, our nation was in the midst of a Civil Rights revolution. Over these last few years, we’ve reached several milestones: the 50 th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, Dr. King’s transformative “I Have a Dream” speech, and the historic march from Selma to Montgomery.
Posted on April 7, 2015
Administration for Children and Families (ACF)
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to recognize that we all can play an important role in making meaningful connections with children and families in our communities.
Posted on March 20, 2015
Stefania Fochi, Sarasota, Florida
I’m one of the 16.4 million uninsured people who have gained health coverage since the passage of the Affordable Care Act five years ago.
Posted on March 10, 2015
Tina Tchen, Douglas M. Brooks and Carrie Bettinger-Lopez
Today, the Office of National AIDS Policy, Office of the Vice President, and the White House Council on Women and Girls commemorate the 10th observance of
Posted on March 2, 2015
Broderick Johnson
"Helping more of our young people stay on track. Providing the support they need to think more broadly about their future. Building on what works, when it works, in those critical life-changing moments."
Posted on February 24, 2015
Kelly Miterko, Deputy Associate Director, Let’s Move!
Have you been making healthier choices over the past five years? #GimmeFive! Have you planted a garden, joined a dance class, eaten more fruits and vegetables? #GimmeFive! And, in the spirit of Let’s Move! – whether it’s pushups or recipes or hours spent on your health – can you #GimmeFive more?
Posted on February 20, 2015
Richard Washington
My parents are lucky. Even though they are in their early 60s, they don’t have any serious health problems. But at their stage in life, they know an accident or illness is a real possibility. Since my mother and father are both self-employed, they went to the
Posted on February 19, 2015
Richard Washington
My parents are lucky. Even though they are in their early 60s, they don’t have any serious health problems. But at their stage in life, they know an accident or illness is a real possibility. Since my mother and father are both self-employed, they went to the
Posted on February 10, 2015
the National Eye Health Education Program
Nothing is more important to us than our family. We cherish time together, every birthday party, holiday gathering and special celebration. And we shouldn’t let glaucoma make us lose sight of these deeply treasured traditions.